Haematology - (02) 4312 6230
Paediatrics - (02) 4312 6232
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Contact Us


Dr Sungju Min currently has limited availability for new patients

A referral letter from your GP (or another specialist) is required in order for us to make an appointment. You can send us your referral electronically via our contact us page or email it along with your contact details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Alternatively it may be faxed to (02) 4312 6233. One of our team will be in contact with you to arrange an appointment once the referral has been reviewed. They will advise an estimate of the applicable consultation fee at the time.

This is a private billing clinic and payments for consultations are required on the day of the consultation. There is usually a rebate available for medical consultations through Medicare, if a valid GP referral is provided for the consultation.

Online Claiming through Medicare is available for those eligible for quicker payments of Medicare rebates.

What to bring to your first appointment:

Copy of referral (written within the last 12 months)
Medical reports and consultation letters
Allied health reports and letters (Speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, dietitian, others)
X-ray and other imaging reports
Blood and other investigation results (pathology reports)
School / childcare reports and letters
School counsellor reports

Wait times to see a paediatrician are unfortunately often very long, but there’s a lot you can try to arrange before your first appointment, including various professionals you can see to get support and assessments completed if necessary. The more information you have on hand, the more you’ll get out of that first appointment with a Paediatrician. Below are some suggestions to look into, and your GP will also likely have some additional ideas.


Pre-School Age Children



Emotional regulation issues (e.g. tantrums, defiance, aggression)

Child and Family Health Nurse (contact your local health centre – your nurse can also arrange a developmental screening questionnaire if there are additional concerns)

Family Care Cottage Gosford/Wyong – 4328 7901

Paediatric Occupational Therapist (private only)

Paediatric Psychologist (private only)

Snoring/mouth breathing – may suggest sleep apnoea which can contribute to behavioural and developmental issues

GP review

May require referral to ENT and/or sleep physician

Language delay

Hearing test (public or private)

Speech Therapist (public – 4328 7999 – or private)

Fine motor skills delay

Occupational Therapist (public – 4328 7918 - or private)

Gross motor skills delay

Physiotherapist (public – 4328 7900 – or private)

Social skills

Paediatric Psychologist

Speech Therapist

Fussy Eating

Dietician, Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist

Mood issues/anxiety/trauma

Paediatric Psychologist and/or Occupational Therapist

School Age Children



Academic difficulties

Discuss with school counsellor and consider arranging academic and cognitive (IQ) testing via them or privately (psychologist or some universities)

Suspected Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Needs Conners questionnaires completed (consider attending via school counsellor or private psychologist)

Suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder

Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Psychology reviews are all usually helpful

School Counsellors may be able to administer screening questionnaires

Handwriting issues

Occupational Therapy

Mood issues (anxiety or depression), trauma, etc

Paediatric psychologist


If possible, please send through electronic copies of these reports prior to the appointment. These can be emailed to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..